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> Christmas Events by The Art Hub!

Afroditis, The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Afroditis 35-37, Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus

Christmas Events by The Art Hub! Let’s get in the Christmas spirit together with creative and positive attitude, at the different festive events that we participate for this year! Christmas workshops for children are prepared by The Art Hub during Nicosia’s favourite events like the Christmas Street in Makariou Avenue and the Alkyonides charity event. […]

> Alexandros Halios Exhibition

Afroditis, The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Afroditis 35-37, Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus

We are proud to host the exhibition of our student Alexandros Halios. Join us in the exploration of his developing gaze upon artistic expression and concepts. When death and love became one. When my mind married by anger. These wings I have they won’t learn to rise, in this white light beneath the skies i […]

> Illustration Workshop by Laurence North, Falmouth University

Afroditis, The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Afroditis 35-37, Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus

The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories in collaboration with Falmouth University and TCS Educational Consultants is happy to invite you to a unique and inspiring Illustration Workshop delivered by Falmouth University’s tutor Laurence North. Experience a 2.5 - hour intense workshop focusing on the two fundamental areas of Illustration practice – Reportage, and Character Development […]

> Street Art – Graffiti event

Afroditis, The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Afroditis 35-37, Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus

The Nicosia Municipalityin collaboration with The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories are organizing an event that will "dress up" the surroundings of the Nicosia City Hall with works of public art by 25 street artists (graffiti artists), which were carried out as part of last year's organization of the Municipality of Nicosia "Let's go Garden" […]

> Architecture Workshop / Infra – ordinary Nicosia

Afroditis, The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Afroditis 35-37, Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus

Focusing on the infra-ordinary elements of Nicosia old city, the unnoticed details and narratives of the mundane everyday are brought in focus to inform this workshop's research and design aims. The participants will be introduced to architectural and general design processes such as graphical mapping, on - site and personal research, photography and project development. […]

> Printmaking Workshop

Afroditis, The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Afroditis 35-37, Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus

Printing? Yes! Basic techniques of mono printing, lino printing and image transfer onto different surfaces will be introduced through this printmaking workshop. Bring your ideas and imagination and we’ll show you the way! The workshop is open to individuals that are preparing for university studies in Art and Design, as well as art enthusiasts and […]

> The Plaster Workshop

Afroditis, The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Afroditis 35-37, Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus

A five - session plaster techniques workshop for all casting / sculpting enthusiasts and art students. Casting, plaster dipping and plaster printing will be introduced along with a supporting project concept. Let’s form your inspirations. The workshop is suitable for individuals that are preparing for university studies in Art and Design, as well as art […]

> The Comic Book Workshop / Session One

Afroditis, The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Afroditis 35-37, Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus

Session One is a set of four 3-hour meetings (18th, 19th, 20th and 21st of April) and will serve as a thorough introduction to comic book making for all comic enthusiasts and students. Drawing, human anatomy, perspective, background, panelling, work presentation, following a script are just a few of the insights that the participant will […]

> Let’s speak in Volumes: An introduction to Architecture

Kyriakou Matsi, The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Kyriakou Matsi, Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus

A 4-day workshop aiming to introduce basic parametric architectural thinking. The participants will be experimenting with materiality, analogue modelling and architectural drawing. Suitable for potential and active art / architecture students as well as enthusiasts. Limited Number of Participants Workshop Coordinator: Michael Pavlides / Architect

> Hamlet / Theatre Design Showcase

Sputnik Theatre 4A Antonaki Zachariou, Kaimakli, Nicosia, Cyprus

The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories team of instructors and students present the projects and stage model that where created through our collaboration with Fresh Target Theatre Ensemble for the play Hamlet. The curation of the shadow theatre that follows the guidelines of the scenography by George Giannou and the direction of Paris Erotokritou was […]

> Motivw Workshop #2 Deconstruction/Upcycling

Kyriakou Matsi, The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Kyriakou Matsi, Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus

Following Motivw Workshop #1 Μοτίβω this is a 2-day fashion workshop that aims at the deconstruction of the army uniform and construction of your own any-style wear with the guidance of fashion designer Andriana Lagoudes. Day one: 21/1/2017 Tuesday, hours: 15:00 - 20:00 Duration 5 hours Discover, contemplate, manipulate, share ideas, play. From the wide […]

> Colour Me Up! Workshop #1

Old Nicosia Nicosia Town Hall (Under Construction), Isaakiou Komninou, Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus

#1 Urban Drift: Tracing the City Workshop Maps, drawing pads, cameras, go! An art workshop which aims to rediscover the city through a different wandering approach. Principles of map reading, cartography, sample collection and sketchbook documentation will be practised and extended to new realms. This workshop acts as the research part of the mural art […]