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Summer Life Drawing sessions

The Life Drawing workshops continue in the summer month of July for all art enthusiasts and practitioners in the human figure. Inspired by live models we learn the basic principles […]

> Animation Workshop: Τhe Illusion of Life

The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Archiepiskopou Kyprianou 32, Nicosia

Get to know the 12 principles of animation. Awaken your understanding of moving image. Practice animation techniques with exercises and visualize life! Through animation exercises movement is analyzed, gradually building […]

> Manga Workshop

The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Archiepiskopou Kyprianou 32, Nicosia

This workshop aims as a beginner’s guide to the fundamental techniques of Manga illustration. Participants will get to know the basic principles and specifics for drawing Manga characters and how […]

> Photoshop and Digital Image Editing Introduction Workshop

The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Archiepiskopou Kyprianou 32, Nicosia

This workshop is addressing the needs of beginners who want to start editing and creating digitally. The participants will get acquainted with the basic functions and tools of the program, […]