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> Pottery Wheel Throwing Workshop

Kyriakou Matsi, The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Kyriakou Matsi, Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus

Ceramist Vasos Demetriou will be visiting our studio to deliver an intensive workshop on wheel throwing techniques. Participants will be taught about pottery techniques using a throwing wheel. The first session will be focused on the technique of making vessels on the throwing wheel. On the second session the participants will work on their fired […]

> Luster glaze technique in ceramics

Ceramics Studio of Vassos Demetriou 60 P. Kyprianou, Larnaca, Larnaca, Cyprus

The luster glaze technique in ceramics – Experimental workshop This technique was developed in Persia and the Arab countries and has further evolved in Spain and Italy during the middle age. Luster glaze is achieving various metallic reflections in the ceramic glazes, which are succeeded through an intense oxygen reduction during the cooling of the […]