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> Academic Drawing with Anatomy Seminar

Kyriakou Matsi, The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Kyriakou Matsi, Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus

This seminar will guide participants through the fundamentals of Academic Drawing from a live model using the Sight-Size method of measuring with reference to human anatomy. Participants will attend a series of presentations on the stages of Academic Drawing and the relevant anatomical knowledge necessary for the construction of an accurate human figure. During this […]

> Academic Drawing Seminar Series

The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Archiepiskopou Kyprianou 32, Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus

This is the first out of a series of seminars that will guide participants through the fundamentals of Academic Drawing from a live model. Different methods of measuring, such as the Sight-Size and Comparative Measuring with reference to human anatomy will be introduced, by combining presentations and practical exercises in every meeting. During this process […]

> Academic Drawing Seminar

The Art Hub Visual Arts Laboratories Archiepiskopou Kyprianou 32, Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus

The second seminar builds on the fundamentals of academic drawing but shifts the hierarchies and dynamics of light and shadow. This is achieved with a change of materials - from charcoal on white paper to charcoal/white chalk on grey paper. This transition is considered a fundamental step before introducing oil paint, which will be presented […]

> Academic Portraiture – Drawing

This Seminar focuses on portraiture drawing using the academic standards of the Florence Academy of Art, Italy. Through these sessions, the participants will be taught the fundamental techniques and the relevant anatomical knowledge necessary for the construction of an accurate portrait. Specifically, the participants will be individually guided through demonstrations and critiques so as to […]