Animation and the Art of motion Workshop
This workshop is addressing the needs of beginners who want to start studying the art of Motion Graphics. The participants will get acquainted with the fundamentals of Motion graphics design and the ways they can use it to design an animated sequence in After Effects.
This workshop will explore the workflow of Motion graphic design and also introduce the members to the key practices of designing movement. The workshop will also include animation with the use of basic animation principles.
The topics of the seminar include:
-Studies of motion animation style.
-Understanding the fundamentals of Ease in/out.
-Practical use of the fundamentals of animation.
-The importance of simplicity in motion.
-Ways to display motion and mood.
-Introduction of effects and compositing.
-Introduction to the art of 3D framing.
-Introduction to layout and composition handling.
*A personal a laptop with After effects installed is required for participating in this workshop.
This workshop is suitable for anyone who is preparing a portfolio for admission to Fine and Applied Arts Universities, for students of relevant disciplines seeking specialization and finally for amateur and professional designers and artists who want to enrich their skills.
Lab duration: 15 hours
Monday 05/07/21 17:00 – 20:00
Tuesday 06/07/21 17:00 – 20:00
Wednesday 07/07/21 17:00 – 20:00
Thursday 08/07/21 17:00 – 20:00
Friday 09/07/21 17:00 – 20:00
** IMPORTANT: Limited places available – Early booking is NECESSARY. Last date 03/07/21 **
** All participants are requested to use protective face mask and to keep necessary distance amongst them as instructed by the governmental measures for Covid-19.